
4.2 ( 242 ratings )
소셜 네트워킹 라이프 스타일
개발자: WebFix Technologies
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Find out where the hottest party is tonight. Seize the fun!
With HotBuzz you participate in a real-time voting system that gives a new measure of specific events. No log-in necessary.

Not sure where to go tonight? HotBuzz will show all the events in your area or the city you choose to search.

Find out which places are ranked as hottest by people who are actually there!

When you find a hot event let others know by casting a simple vote.
Other HotBuzz users will see the event move up in the rankings and it may encourage them to join the party (or at least make a more informed decision about where to go tonight).
HotBuzz will even post on Facebook or check you in with Foursquare...or turn off the feature if you prefer to go incognito.

HotBuzz wants you to stay safe and comfortable.
Use this tab to find local taxis, pizza, and other food for before or after your event.

Log-in with Facebook and/or Foursquare and HotBuzz will spread the word for you when you find a hot event. Remember you can switch this feature off if you do not want to be so visible.

With HotBuzz you control the fun!